Prayer for Pancakes

14 songs
cover art
Art: g4tv
Dates: 09/28/05 - 09/28/05
Songs: 14
Votes: 28
Links: Archive Forums
Playlists: M3U XSPF JSON

Fightmaster Summary:

This was a special 30 minute fight that coincided with the appearance of jb and spud on g4tv's Attack of the Show. A title was selected from g4's message board at the beginning of the show, and jb and spud had to come back at the end of the show and perform it. These artists participated simultaneously, and we thank them. It is a 14-way tie, as everyone gets 2 votes. One from jb and one from spud.
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2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!
2 Winner!